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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

We follow in St. Joseph's footsteps, building a community of love, trust, respect and learning

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What will be new in Year 2?

In Year 2 the cohort are now the oldest in the class and we like to think of them as the role models in the class. It is lovely to see how much they've matured and are ready to show the other year 2s joining us and the year 1 joining us how we 'run the show' in class 2!


Spellings: Instead of the Phonics for reading based lessons in Year 2 we move onto Phase 6 phonics which is based on spelling patterns. Please revise the spelling of Year 1 and 2 common exception words to support your child's spelling. Once secure in these they move onto learning the patterns for spelling tests. 


Focus on Grammar and punctuation: In year 2 we also focus much more on the terminology linked to grammar and punctuation so please encourage your child to use the correct terms.  


Spelling Shed - A fantastic app that will support the children with their spelling. Assignments will be available each week and will reflect the learning that has took place in class each week. 
