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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

We follow in St. Joseph's footsteps, building a community of love, trust, respect and learning

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Important Information - November 2023


ADHD Medication Supply Disruption

There is currently a national supply disruption to some of the medications prescribed to help manage ADHD symptoms. The supply disruption of these products is caused by a combination of manufacturing issues and an increased global demand. As this is a national supply problem, all UK ADHD services; Paediatrics, CAMHS, Adults, and Pharmacies within the community and in hospitals are affected.  At present, the supply disruptions are expected to resolve at various dates between now and December 2023. These dates may be subject to change.


We are assured that patients who are on medication for ADHD that is specifically affected by this supply issue have been contacted directly. Patients and their families have been advised if they are taking any of these medications to contact their medicine prescriber.


We are sharing this information with you as it may have an impact on the children and young people in your school/setting who are prescribed the medications affected to help to manage their ADHD. We have also attached a communication written and shared by the Essex Family Forum with their network of families.


We continue to work closely with our partners across the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and will be in contact again should the situation change or further information become available.


Whilst we are unable to support with specific queries around medication, please contact your Inclusion Partner if you need any support around reasonable adjustments for children and young people in school.



As a school, our focus and aim is to do everything we can to ensure that every pupil experiences success and has a positive learning journey during their time with us. We work closely with parents to make sure that a child can succeed from day one. We are fully committed to providing all children with equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. 


We recognise that each child has their own set of needs and particular learning styles, and teaching is tailored and adapted to meet the needs of all learners. If a child is not making expected progress, we work as a team to identify the barriers to learning. For children who are identified as having special educational needs, 'Pupil Support Plans' are created and reviewed with parents on a termly basis. This is to ensure we are putting in place effective support for each child and their specific needs. 




The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Mrs Varley, is responsible for coordinating provision for children with SEND across the school. Her role is to manage the arrangements for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. She liaises with parents, specialist services and the teachers to help meet each individual's need/s. Mrs Varley is a fully qualified class teacher with experience of teaching KS1 and KS2 and has worked alongside children with many different needs. She is currently studying for the National SENCO award. To make an appointment to see Mrs Varley, please contact the school office. 


All staff work together to provide a caring environment, within which, the contributions of all pupils and parents are valued. Staff maintain high expectations for all pupils and continuously provide opportunities for them to succeed and build their self-esteem. The building and facilities have been adapted where necessary to ensure we comply with disability regulations.


Our SEND policy, practice and provision are reviewed annually in compliance with The Disability Equality Duty. Additional information is available in the SEN Information Report and Equalities and Accessibility Action Plan. For more information about local services please visit the Essex Local Offer website. 


There is good liaison between St Joseph's Primary and local pre-schools and secondary schools regarding the needs of pupils with SEN at transition. All relevant information is taken into account from the previous setting and provision made for smooth entry to school if the child gains a place here. (Please refer to the admissions policy). 

SEND Information Report
