Resources and Employment related policies
Rosary Trust Policies
- Academies Appraisal Policy - Support Staff - CES.pdf
- Academies Appraisal Policy - Teachers - CES.pdf
- Acceptable personal use policy - ECC.pdf
- Accounting policy.pdf
- Bad debt and redundant equipment Policy - May 2023.pdf
- Code of Conduct Trust Policy 2024.pdf
- Cover and PPA Policy -Juniper.pdf
- Data Handling Security Policy.pdf
- Data Protection policy.pdf
- Disciplinary Policy May 2023.pdf
- ECT Induction Trust Policy 2024.pdf
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Employment - Juniper.pdf
- Financial Regulations - Multi Academy Trusts September 2023.pdf
- Flexible Working Policy - Juniper.pdf
- Grievance Trust Policy (CES) 2024.pdf
- Health and Safety and Wellbeing Trust Policy.pdf
- Info Governance Framework Policy.pdf
- Internal Gifts and Hospitality Policy September 2023.pdf
- Internal Hospitality Policy May 2023.pdf
- Investment management Policy May 2023.pdf
- Leave of absence policy - Juniper.pdf
- Local Government Pension Scheme Discretions Policy - Juniper.pdf
- MAT Reserves Policy for the Rosary Trust - May 2023.pdf
- Mental Health and Wellbeing policy - Juniper.pdf
- Pay Policy - The Rosary Trust 2024.pdf
- Premises Management Trust Policy 2024.pdf
- Records Management and Retention Policy - SBM.pdf
- Risk Management Policy 2023.pdf
- Rosary Trust Procurement Policy - June 2023.pdf
- RT Charging and Remissions Policy March 2022.pdf
- Sabbatical Policy - Juniper.pdf
- Safeguarding Allegations Against Adults in School.pdf
- Scheme of Delegation 2023.pdf
- Sickness Absence Management Procedure May 2023.pdf
- Staff Consultancy Trust Policy 2024.pdf
- Suspension and Exclusion policy 2023.pdf
- Trustee and Governors allowances Policy May 2023.pdf
- Whistleblowing policy reviewed May 2023.pdf