Liturgy Leaders
The children in class 4 produced some amazing posters to put around the school to show their understanding and promoting of solidarity and peace.
Catholic Social Teaching
Enhancing the Catholic life and mission of St Josephs Catholic Primary School.
Liturgy Team
The St Joseph's Liturgy Group have a love of liturgy and Scripture. They are willing to be generous with their time in helping to prepare the various liturgical celebrations in the school and in supporting staff with religious preparations and ideas for whole school improvements. The various responsibilities of our Liturgy Team are:
- Helping Father Joseph, staff, and our community with all aspects of Liturgy
- Leading the school in reflection and prayer
- Coordinating the Liturgical seasons
- Planning special Liturgical celebrations and charity events
- Have a voice about teaching and learning in RE
- Monitor the standards of RE in classrooms
Our motto is -
‘We will always place the Word of God at the heart of our school’.