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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

We follow in St. Joseph's footsteps, building a community of love, trust, respect and learning

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Gymtrail is a morning club that runs four times per week.  The Gym-Trail intervention is always targeted for mornings as a way of ‘warming up’ pupils for the day ahead.  The club runs from 8:30am and is located in the Craft Room. 


Gymtrail involves tasks and games which help develop gross and fine motor skills.  It follows a carousel approach to a circuit of motor co-ordination activities supporting pupils with movement and co-ordination.  The benefits of Gymtrail include: improvement in fine motor skills and handwriting, increased ability to balance, follow instructions and listening  and increased self-esteem.


We run sessions on a Monday and Tuesday morning for fine motor skill development and on a Thursday and Friday for gross motor skill development. 


Children attend Gym-Trail by invitation following assessments in fine and gross motor skills completed by the Class Teacher when your child first joins our school in EYFS.  If however you feel this could benefit your child and you would like to discuss your child attending please do contact the school office or our SENCO.

At St Joseph’s we recognise the many benefits for children that attend Gym Trail regularly. Our children build on their existing skills and develop their confidence, independence, resilience and self– esteem which impacts their life skills and school experience. If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Campbell.


Gross motor skill coordination

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