The Smile Curriculum Intention
Through the Smile Curriculum pupils develop as global citizens with a wide understanding of healthy relationships, physical and mental health, well-being and British values. We give consideration to Catholic Social Teaching (CST) across our SMILE curriculum and embed a Catholic programme of RHSE. We aim that SMILE reflects a holistic approach to developing the whole person.
- At St Joseph’s we wanted to develop a PSHE curriculum that incorporated not just PSHE but also Global learning, we want our pupils to be forward thinking and well informed about global issues.
- As a small-school with a predominately white-British intake (78%) we additionally wanted the children to enquire- is everywhere like this?
- To support the balance of learning about global issues we have taken the GDGs (UN Global Develop Goals) and mapped these across our SMILE year.
- We wanted to make sure there was designated time allotted in our curriculum to teach the children about British values.
- We consider Catholic Social Teaching throughout our SMILE curriculum and are using the CAFOD resources, including the characters which again are mapped across our SMILE curriculum
- We incorporate Catholic RHSE throughout the SMILE curriculum and include specifically a Diocesan recommended programme of study called ‘Life to the Full’
- E-Safety lessons delivered as part of the Computing curriculum are consolidated through SMILE
- The PSHE content is taken from the PSHE Association 2020 and incorporates: Living in the Wider-world, Health and Well-being and Relationships.
- We also value financial education and have included a series of lessons using the ‘Financial Education Planning Framework’
The SMILE curriculum is taught weekly for 1 hour, every child has a SMILE exercise book where learning is recorded. Children are also encouraged to show their learning and understanding through class discussion and team talk opportunities/ shared activities. Our SEND students have the support of class adults to ensure they access SMILE learning at an appropriate level.
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

Our Mapped SMILE Curriculum

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Relationships Education - Catholic RSE
Where our SMILE Curriculum is drawn from:
Speak out, Stay Safe
Speak out, Stay safe! NSPCC
Speak out Stay safe is a safeguarding programme for children aged 5- to 11-years-old. It is available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It helps children understand:
- abuse in all its forms and how to recognise the signs of abuse
- that abuse is never a child’s fault and they have the right to be safe
- where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including our Childline service.