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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

We follow in St. Joseph's footsteps, building a community of love, trust, respect and learning

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Collective Worship & Prayer Life

Collective Worship

Pupils join staff and parents in regular acts of collective worship- these take different forms for example a whole school assembly on a Monday and Tuesday, classroom prayers, a Wednesday singing praise assembly, class based collective worship on a Thursday and a whole school Global themed assembly and a celebration merit celebration assembly on a Friday.  Our rota of assemblies is in addition to our programme of Masses and Liturgies across every term. Parents are invited to additional class based worship at the end of every unit of RE.


Celebration of Mass

Liturgical life is an integral part of our coming together as a Catholic community. Our pupils are fully involved in the planning of Masses and Liturgies, they enrich our collective worship by reading, singing and welcoming.


School Chapel

We are blessed to have a small but special school Chapel, this provides a peaceful place for staff and students to reflect and have some quiet time. 



We aim to provide a retreat day or residential retreat for Year 6 pupils annually.   Retreat days offer a unique opportunity for pupils to take a step back and look at their lives as well as being able to deepen their relationship with God- we feel this is a special transitional element for Year 6 to have the opportunity to take part in. 



Prayer life is central to our school community.  We pray together at the beginning, middle and end of every school day, during RE lessons and during assemblies.  We pray and support each other in times of need and we pray to have time to talk and develop our relationship with God. 

Progression of skills in pupil led Collective Worship

To develop pupils skills to lead collective worship we have devised the above progression grid which details the expectations at different stages in terms of leading and preparing collective worship. 

Did you know a new Prayer and Liturgy Directory has been launched... we will be working towards being compliant with this directory by 2025!
