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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School

We follow in St. Joseph's footsteps, building a community of love, trust, respect and learning

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British Values

British Values - School Council

Individual Liberty

Our children develop confidence and resilience by making choices and taking responsibility. Through our curriculum children learn to challenge themselves and are encouraged to use their curiosity to discover more about themselves and the world around them. Their achievements are celebrated in weekly assemblies when a range of certificates are awarded and published in our school newsletter. Our online learning platform is available to parents to access their child’s work and share in their school experiences. We offer a variety of after school clubs and interventions to enable our children to explore opportunities and extend their learning and discover new interests. Our children understand that with individual liberty and freedom come responsibility to our community locally and globally. Our bespoke PSHE curriculum (SMILE) has been devised to enable our learners to investigate a range of topics including cultural, social and moral issues, tolerance and diversity and keeping themselves safe.


Rule of Law

Our children understand the importance of rules and laws and know they are there to protect them. At St Joseph’s children and staff feel safe and supported. Our behaviour policy ensures that a consistent approach is followed. Incidents are logged and children are given the opportunity to express their views and work together towards a restorative outcome. Visits from authorities such as Police, Fire Service and Road Safety Officers are regular parts of school calendar. Our SMILE curriculum develops learning around current affairs and rule of law. Children have a say in class room rules and understand why they need to be fair to keep each other safe and happy.       



At St Joseph’s we promote democracy through discussion, decision making and voting. Our children know their voice will be heard and how to listen to others. They have the opportunity to express their views and support is given to those that find this difficult.  Children learn how local council and parliament operate and have visits from local councillors and community charity workers. School Council, Eco council and Liturgy lead members are elected through a voting system where children vote and use a ballot box to experience a democratic system. Debates are encouraged and take place in lessons. Pupil voice is sought through gathering views and with pupil questionnaires. Children help select a range of charities to support and hold fund raising events throughout the year.

Mutual respect and Tolerance

Children understand that people’s faiths and beliefs may differ, that not everyone lives in the same way. They respect others ideas, opinions and views even when they are different from their own. Through our RE and bespoke PSHE (SMILE) curriculum children have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and traditions. We enjoy community links and are involved in a range of real – life learning experiences, such as our work with a local care home and our focus on becoming a dementia friendly school and our regular visits to our local church to take part in services. We support events such as Children’s Mental Health Awareness week, International day of Tolerance and Young Carer’s Day. Every class room displays our “ Be Ready, Stay Safe, Show Respect” ethos which is consistently reinforced in all aspects of our day.  

Celebrating diversity through inter-generational connectivity at the Dementia Cafe at Harwich Library.

Pupil Voice - Dementia Cafe visit at Harwich Library


" I can help someone with dementia by not asking short-term memory questions - play along with their world."


" Be kind and help someone when they need it."


" Dementia is when someone, likely an older person, can't remember much about now but can remember old times."


" I now know how to talk to them about old stuff they might remember."


" Be respectful."


" I can offer to play brain games together - like a crossword or word search."


" Sometimes they forget things or see things that aren't there but they loads of stuff about old times."


What diversity means to us...

Mayor making celebration - Harwich

School Council - Oral Health Champions!
